How do I place an order online?
Complimentary Samples
Can I ship my order outside the U.S?
Is my online payment secure?
When will a payment be deducted from my account?
What should I do if I am having trouble placing an order?
What should I do if I can’t complete the checkout process?
When will my order be processed?
Where do I find my order number?
How can I check the status of my delivery?
How do I change or cancel an order?
I haven’t received my order
The order I received doesn’t match the one I placed.
What is your refund policy?
How do I make a return or exchange?
I returned a product or an order but I haven’t heard anything.
Returns Information
What products are available on the site?
Is Ralph Lauren personally involved In the creation of his perfumes?
What is the difference between an Eau de Toilette, an Eau de Cologne and an Eau de Parfum?
Is Cologne for men or women?
Does Cologne stand up well on the skin?
Where can I purchase Ralph Lauren Fragrances?
How do I create a wishlist?
How do I subscribe to the Ralph Lauren Fragrances newsletter?
How can I unsubscribe from email newsletters?
What quality controls are in place for Ralph Lauren Fragrances?
How can I tell you about my experience with a product?
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My account
How do I create an account?
How to register?
Do I have to register with Ralph Lauren Fragrances to place an order?
I forgot my password
How do I change my Ralph Lauren Fragrances password?
How can I update my profile?